Current & Upcoming Projects
Grandview Bridge Replacement
Fremont County - Colorado
Owner - Fremont County
Contract amount - $3,115,700
Start - May 2024
Estimated Completion - Fall 2024
Siete, Inc. was awarded the Grandview Ave. bridge replacement project by Fremont County in March. The project consists of removing and replacing the current bridge over a portion of the Fourmile Creek, east of Steinmeier Ave. The original bridge was built in 1940 and was reconstructed in 1965. The average daily traffic over the bridge is 1,541. The project is expected to last six months.
Grizzly Reservoir Dam Rehabilitation
Pitkin County - Colorado
Owner – Twin Lakes Reservoir
Contract amount - $3,946,800
Estimated project start - Summer 2024
Siete, Inc. was hired by Twin Lakes Reservoir and Canal Company as the prime contractor for the Grizzly Reservoir Dam rehabilitation project that will replace the gates that control water flow , repair the outlet that works to release water to Lincoln Creek, reconstruct embankment and construct a retaining wall at the Twin Lakes tunnel intake.
I-25 Walsenburg Bridge Replacement
Huerfano County - Colorado
Owner – Colorado Department of Transportation
Contract Amount - $19,259,072
Estimated project state - Spring 2023
Estimated Completion – Fall 2024
Siete, Inc. was awarded the I-25 Bridge Replacement project that will rehabilitate the existing I-25 northbound bridge and replace the existing southbound bridge. The bridges traverse railroad tracks as well as CO 10 and US 160. The project will also require adjusting the grade of the roadway.
I-70 Wall Replacement
Eagle County - Colorado
Owner - Colorado Department of Transportation
Contract amount - $4,174,000
Start - May 2024
Estimated Completion - Fall 2024
The Colorado Department of Transportation and prime contractor, Siete Inc., will begin a wall replacement project along westbound I-70 in Dowd Canyon on Monday, May 6. Work will take place from Mile Marker 169.5 to MM 171.5 in Eagle County between Eagle-Vail and West Vail. Crews will remove portions of the existing earth wall above US 6 at MM 170.5 and replace it with a new Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall. Additional light paving, guardrail installations, striping and electrical work will also take place through the project zone. The project will not only protect the future integrity of the roadway, but will also enhance the aesthetics of the corridor for a safer and more enjoyable driving experience.
Medal of Honor Boulevard Extension
Pueblo County - Colorado
Owner - Pueblo County
Contract amount - $33,438,500
Start - May 2024
Estimated Completion - Fall 2025
As the only Pueblo County contractor bidding the project, Siete, Inc. was extremely excited to be awarded the project in April. The project is located between the S. Joe Martinez Blvd & Purcell Blvd. intersection in Pueblo West and the Pueblo Blvd. & 24th St. intersection in Pueblo. Medal of Honor Blvd will cross over the Wildhorse Creek arroyo and through the Honor Farm Open Space in Pueblo. The roadway extension will improve traffic flow by providing additional access between Pueblo and Pueblo West. The project will also enhance economic opportunities in the area. Medal of Honor Blvd will provide access to the new Pueblo County jail facility.
Mount Blue Sky Highway Project
Clear Creek County - Colorado
Owner – FHWA Central Federal Lands
Estimated Start – September 2024
Estimated Completion – Summer 2025
The Mount Blue Sky Highway Project will reconstruct 0.7 miles of Colorado State Highway (SH) 5 in Clear Creek County, Colorado. The project is located approximately 50 miles southwest of Denver in the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest. SH 5 is designated a Scenic Byway and provides access to the top of Mount Blue Sky, which is the highest paved road in the United States. The project area is adjacent to Summit Lake Park located at 13,000 feet above sea level. The area receives on average 292 inches of snowfall per year with temperatures ranging from 65 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit. The project traverses between United States Forest Service and Denver Mountain Parks Lands. The Highway will remain closed for the duration of the project and will reopen for the season in 2026.
Queen Dam Outlet Works Replacement
Kiowa County - Colorado
Owner - Amity Mutual Irrigation Company
Contract Amount - $1,973,000
Estimated Project Start - Summer 2024
Estimated completion - Fall 2024
Queen Reservoir Dam, a 35,657 acre-foot reservoir, has been under a storage restriction since July 2017. The reservoir rehabilitation project will remove the safety restriction and allow continued delivery water to shareholders for irrigation. Queen Reservoir is located in Kiowa County, approximately 12 miles north of Lamar. The rehabilitation project includes the removal of entire outlet works and replacement of the outlet works components of the dam, as well as replacing the headwall with an earthen embankment.